Many people avoid taking action when sexual harassment occurs in the workplace. It can create an embarrassing situation, especially if you must repeat humiliating words or gestures to address your complaint. You may also be afraid of retaliation or creating a more difficult work environment than you are already facing. Yet, the longer you wait to do something about it, the worse the situation is likely to become and the more difficult it will be to establish a case against the offender or employer.
The attorneys at Cornerstone Law Firm are here to help you every step of the way. We can assist with the process of notifying the employer, understanding and adhering to company policies, and addressing any retaliation that may occur.
We will also protect your rights, help you with gathering evidence, and ensure that your case is as solid as possible if further action is needed. In the vast majority of sexual harassment cases in Missouri and throughout the US, ignoring it and hoping that the situation improves is not helpful or effective. Rather, the situation will almost always grow worse with time, especially as the offender grows more confident that he or she can get away with it. In many cases, we see that sexual harassment has become a problem for multiple employees, all of whom decided not to speak out for similar reasons. So, speak out, and protect yourself and others from further illegal sexual harassment on the job.